Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Validation of a Man

As I am increasingly becoming aware of the variety of people who choose to read my blog (although a testament to the morality of our society going down the shitter; however, making me feel very cared about at times), I am intentionally making this entry fairly vague, out of respect for those who may not have the desire to slice open their stomach and display their guts. However, as this has become a function allowing me to process moments of my life, I press onward.
Today, in what could have been a huge setback to my road to regaining (or finally attaining) sanity, saw the cementation of the view of a man that is so immensely important to me. There have been people I have loved, both as friends and as lovers, who have proven themselves to be lesser human beings and not worthy of as much of myself as I put into them. That sounds arrogant, doesn’t it? I don’t mean it to be. However, it is. I am arrogant, pompous, and an asshole. If you haven’t figured that out yet, maybe you should attend one of my special education literacy classes. Got of track, didn’t I? As I was saying, I had a visit today from the only person I have ever completely loved (both as friend and lover combined) [don’t freak out, those of you that are friends, I love you completely too, just not the friend/lover Sonic super value meal kind of way]. In today’s encounter, he proved once again how much of a great man he is, that his love for me (albeit now only friendship) is genuine, tried, and true, and that he is as amazing as I believed and made him out to be. There is such validation to know that the hurt I have been through has not been over someone that didn’t really exist in reality or whose loss didn’t deserve to be wept over. While the opportunity of sharing my life with him as a lover and companion has passed, I still get to walk through this life with a friend by my side who, in many ways, makes a part of me feel safer than anyone ever has. As I have been blessed by tasting love I never thought I could experience, so am I now blessed with journeying along side a magnificent human being. My world is so much better with his existence.
I was so nervous before and so happy afterwards that I forgot to eat for nearly ten hours! I know! I was shocked too! However, I have now remembered. Pigged out on two Philadelphia Sushi Rolls. Nearly threw up. Ate a bowl of cereal. Yes, I feel much better now. You are so sweet to ask! Thank You!


Emmie said...

i liked your post... u have expressed your views in such a nice manner... i do feel that u r really blessed .... well u can drop by My Friendship Blog sometimes too... hope u will find it interesting... !!!

Anonymous said...

I have often said I would walk 1000 miles for a friend that would walk 500 towards me... Spread myself so thin, thinking of their problems, wanting to be there anytime they needed me, giving my full attention. Then when you turn the sitch around... that 500 miles was rarely met and when it was it didn't feel like enough. I have less friends these days. I have no urge too waste my energy on people too self centered to realize the gift they had when I gave myself into their life. Beat that for sounding like an asshole :) Much love for you B!