Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Land of the Free, Home of the Bigot

After such an insane election, I couldn’t help but feel a thrill when it was announced that Obama won. (I didn’t vote for Obama, nor did I vote for McCain. I voted Libertarian, simply due to the fact that I couldn’t morally vote for Obama or McCain, for reasons I have already specified.) Honestly, I think I would have felt the same thrill had McCain won. Either way was historic, either an African-American President or a Female Vice-President. No matter how you feel about the individuals, it’s pretty cool. You could feel the history being made in front of our eyes. Even though things about Obama terrify me (as they did with McCain), I went to bed last night on a high, even woke up this morning that way. Something I wasn’t expecting at all. However, as soon as I got on the computer to check how Proposition 8 came out in California, all good feelings vanished. From all reports I could find, although most seemed confusing to me or like they hadn’t really finished counting, the ban on Gay Marriage passed.
Glad I’m so vile, that I desecrate the spotless institute of marriage. Glad I’m so twisted that I should be banned. Glad that certain murderers can get married and have conjugal visits while they’re in jail. Glad Ellen and Portia woke up this morning and found themselves, once again, both single and monstrous in the eyes of their state and country. I still love my country. I also hate my country. I am sure it is petty and childish to hate simply because I am hated, but too bad. I can’t help being thoroughly disgusted with the human race. Sadly, I can’t help being disgusted knowing that certain family and friends, had they lived in California, would have voted the same. Wake up and take a fucking look at the people you are deeming evil and subhuman.


d-wain said...

Well said.

I saw this earlier, and though I hadn't been following it that closely, I've been checking diligently to see what the outcome may be. If California, the most progressive state in the union, is not yet at the stage of social development to allow something like this, I'm afraid it may be quite some time before we have equal rights.

Anonymous said...

You are still able to have a Civil Union in California and it carries the same (yes equal) legal standing as a marriage. If the word marriage is so important then call it that yourself and register with the state as a Civil Union, the reality is no different.

Anonymous said...

One more thing... take a look at some of these blogs on the subject.

Gay activists need to learn to adjust their message not litigate their way. You would be surprised at the level of change that can happen.

Brandon said...

I love you to death, Ried, but I will adamantly disagree with you on this. It is not just important simply because of a name, but also because of what it represents. When the African-American people were forced to drink out of seperate water fountains, weren't they still drinking water? They should have been satisfied and quit whining. Oh, wait, no, I’m glad they weren’t.

Anonymous said...

Interesting analogy but you really are drinking from a different drinking fountain. If you were to drink from the SAME drinking fountain, using your logic, then you would be marrying a woman.
You make the case that if you get the same legal status but the government looks at it as a civil union then it is somehow different? How so? No one is stopping you from calling your civil union a marriage. You are asserting a right to other people's approval, which is wholly different. None of us has a right to other people's approval. These “protests” that you see all over sets us back from helping shape this social change that we seek. . At gay pride how much do you listen to the protester’s message and really seek to understand where they are coming from? These protests do nothing more than continue to build the walls that we want to tear down. There are many conservatives that are very much for recognizing civil unions, but we don’t seem to want to take these steps and seek to see where they are coming from.
Long term same sex couples in the UK like Elton John asserts that the problem with these developments is the communities hang up on the word marriage. I agree, I think healthy steps are the best way for this. Demonstrations where activists yank a cross from an elderly woman and stomp on it are hardly mature and do nothing to help.

Brandon said...

I have to say, Reid, I am starting to find your argument more insulting that factual. I never said anything about tearing crosses out of an old woman's hands, nor am I advocating such actions. Also, you know me enough to know where I come from, I have my youth ministry degree for crying out loud. Yes, I have listened to the protestors at Pride and I know exactly what they are saying. I am not some ignorant man ranting and raving without checks and balances, and without a religious past (both in trianing and personal belief[practice}) that would rival most. As far seeking people's approval in name only, that civil unions are the same, you could say the same for African Americans wanting to go to integrated school (even though I am sure you hate this example). They were still getting an education, even if it was seperate or different. I am fine with you disagreeing with the choices I am making and what I am choosing to fight for, but remember who you are talking to on here. You can't paint me in the same paint by number left wing extreemist and you seem to want to.

Anonymous said...

Brandon, my argument is not an hominem one with you personally--it never is when I talk about issues. It is about the gay community’s immature response when the society at large is not ready to have this simple "semantical" change forced on them. The society at large votes accordingly (a large percentage of them 2 times now) and then the gay community throws a fit. Those that supported No on 8 ran a horrible campaign and instead of protesting we should be reevaluating what when wrong in our message. There are some that are re-evaluating this take a look at this blog entry <<- much stronger way.

Have you seen what is happening at these "No on 8" protests? I think these protests do more harm than good. I think if you were at this protest where this happened to this woman, you would have been the only one to step in and help her. Unfortunately you are an exception and not the rule when it comes to the compassion in the gay community.

I do not see the civil rights movement for African Americans the same as the fight for the use word to define our long term relationships... No one is stopping anyone in our community from having a long term relationship. In fact you are seeing more and more states recognizing civil unions, this is a GREAT step. Why do we not focus on this step first? We have not even looked at how successful this has been in the UK… nope we would rather “march on the church”

I am sorry you feel offended that I have a different stance than you; I just think these protests do no good. I think a revisit to the message to help those that are opposed to it understand rather than attack them would be a better way to accomplish the goal.