Monday, August 21, 2006


My day of immense slothfulness is drawing to a close. Awww, sad, I know. I did go to class, though. I am tempted to blog about that--it is all such politically correct bullshit; all you have to do is know how to play the game. Luckily, my fundamental background has taught me to play the game to perfection. But, I will save that blog for another day. It's ok, dry your tears.
Instead, I am opting to talk about, wait for it--it will be surprising, ME! I know, I know, clutch your heart from the shock, breathe deep, all will be fine.
I have not been completely sure what I have been feeling the past few days, I just knew it was growing stronger and that it was a familiar feeling. I figured it out on the way home from class tonight. I am filled with delusions of grandeur. Just as I used to be when I was growing up. I knew I was meant to be SOMEBODY, maybe famous for singing or art or my stunning beauty (quit laughing, that's rude!), or maybe beloved for my selfless acts that transformed the world into utopian paradise. Those "dreams" disappeared under tons of school work in college and then endless hours of work at the treatment facility. Since I quit work, the world has reopened to me. Theoretically, I can be anything I want to be. Maybe, someone will read my blog and want to publish me and gays will achieve equal rights due to my insights, children will never go hungry again, and families will stay together, and it will be Christmas everyday--all because of me, me, me.
I have decided I am going to drop out of grad school, not substitute and go on well-fare, until my magnificence is discovered and I transform the universe.
As I said: Delusions.
As mentally ill as these delusions imply that I am, they are enjoyable. I have not felt so many options for life in such a long time. I recommend it. You should invest in some delusions. Maybe something great will happen. Maybe. Oh, oh, maybe next week I can discover the hidden natural herb that, when taken at midnight under the Gemini constellation when wearing only a fishnet jockstrap will cause a person to grow ten inches and get a tan! Six foot four and gorgeous here I come. That's it! the world will be transformed by the beauty that is me!!!
I love when I make myself gag. ;)


Brandon said...

What? You want to take a pill to be more attractive? Impossible. You are perfection.

(This post may be signed 'Brandon', but it is really, Ricky Martin. He has to hide his true feelings. He's famous, you know. . .)

Anonymous said...

You may call them delusions, but I plan to change to the world. This is real. Dream the dreams! Isn't that how we got the saying "Shoot for the stars and you might reach the tree tops"??? (You never know, you might hit those stars too!)

Anonymous said...

It's not the pill that bothers me its the "fishnet jockstrap."