Tuesday, March 09, 2010

tuesday's edition of the gayzette

In an effort to make myself be in a better mood than I have been the past several days (both in regards to him and to how work has been) I decided to not take my anti-depression pill today. Actually, I didn’t realize it until it was much too late. I guess that means lots of grease and chocolate to compensate.
The real effort to combat my emotions was listening to Kathy Griffin’s CD in the car this morning. (I am between vampire romance novels—I’m picking up the next few at the library this afternoon, if I can get there before they close.) I kinda wish I could have seen myself from other people’s cars. I’m just sitting there behind the wheel, drinking my coffee (homemade today—look at me saving money!), then a sudden outburst into hysterical laughter. Followed by a downward grimace as I spill said coffee onto my slacks. Hearing her talk about Oprah. OMG. Best stuff ever. Speaking of, watching the Oscars on Sunday with MD (Love her) (also loved Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin as hosts), I enjoyed hearing what Oprah had to say about the Precious girl. As a writer, one of my dearest dreams is to just have Oprah breath my name on her show (even under her breath), your career is set after that. Plus, I love fat, black lesbians. No, really I do.
Speaking of lesbians, I saw on my gay headlines this morning that Sean Hayes came out of the closet. If you don’t know who Sean Hayes is, turn in your gay card—even if you’re straight. He played Jack on Will & Grace. I have actually argued with friends who swore he was straight (complete with a wife and kids, uh huh…). The boy was always gayer than, well, me. Not that I’ve really ever met anyone actually gayer than me, but still. I laughed that this was news. It was about as much news as Clay Akin being gay (which I’m still upset about—I really didn’t want him on my team), and Neil Patrick Harris being gay (love that he’s on my team). The conversation around this news online was so funny. So many were so glad he finally came out, how his character was such a great role model on W&G. What the fuck? Really? The reason he and Karen were so great and the reason we all loved them so much was that they were such horrible and outrageous role models. Jack never could get a real job, pay for anything, or decide what he wanted to do with life, all the while spending his friends’ money on labels, drugs, boys, and alcohol, choosing to end up single and alone with Karen. Oh, wait. . . I guess he is actually was a role model for most gay men. My bad.
Speaking of faggots. I have also been following the case of the Catholic preschool in Boulder that is rejecting one of their students from attending Kindergarten with them next year when the found out the child’s parents were lesbians. I have greatly enjoyed the vast commentary and public opinions around this, which have been surprisingly vast. Here is my disclaimer. I am all for any business that isn’t government funding having any code they want. Even if it is racist or sexist or whatever. If some restaurant that is privately owned doesn’t want me to eat in their establishment because I’m gay, white, red-haired (sorta), whatever, awesome. I am a firm believer in that aspect of America. As long as it isn’t hostile or shoving their beliefs on others, I love that private institutions can run their business however they want (even thought that is no longer true). If I open a business, I want the final say. The beauty of that is, then the public can decide if they want to support said business. The flip side of that is that I think the government should be run the opposite. Everyone is equal, period. If you don’t want me in your business because I’m a fag, great, I’ll shop somewhere else. If you don’t want to give the right to marry the man I love who doesn’t love me, fuck you, and quit asking me to pay taxes. All that to say: I think the school has every right to turn the couple away. However, I do love how it points out their bigotry (which I didn’t even notice until one of the conservation radio hosts pointed it out). I bet there are a lot of divorced, unwed, (you-name-it that is against the church’s/Bible’s teachings) parents there that are straight who still get to send their child to the school. On the parent’s side (as I still have the delusional hope to be a parent one day), there is no way in hell I would send my child to a school that would teach them that their daddies are sick, wrong, and gonna burn in hell. Probably not the best idea for a kid. And if their idea is to make a political point against the school? Get a grip, it’s a private institution (tax-exempt notwithstanding), they can do whatever they want. And, your job is to be a parent, not to use your child for political advancement of the ‘gay cause’ or for five minutes of fame.

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