I spent my Saturday night doing four hours of massage, which paid for my fifty dollar airfare and the extra third night I decided to stay in Seattle. What did you do with your Saturday evening? While not my ideal idea of a Saturday night, I am excited for Seattle. To go dancing. To dress up for Halloween. Go to Brainbridge Island. Go to a new coffee shop and write. Eat ridiculous amounts of food. Start Christmas shopping. To not see anyone I know and have three days with my mind turned off—or at least as much as I can manage.
Yesterday, I was remind how nearly everything we do affect everyone around us. Because of choices of people I love, my daily life is altered irrevocably. I hate feeling powerless and unable to change certain aspects of my own life. Whether is HWNBN, friends, family, health, getting published, the elusive extra six inches (seven actually). We all hurt each other so easily and so well. It takes so much work and commitment to love each other. I am blessed by having many who have made that commitment to me—and several that actually keep it.
I also voted yesterday. I actually did quite a bit of research on issues and politicians, well, a lot for me. I honestly almost threw my mail-in ballot away. As ever I hate everyone. They all suck. I can choose the man I agree with financially but says that being gay is the same as a person struggling with alcoholism (yep, look at all those three and four year old who have never had a drink but yearn to go to a bar—fucking asshole). I can choose the guy who is moderately okay with my gayness but wants to give illegal immigrants scholarships to colleges and such. Or I can choose the woman who fought for my right to marry but is also okay with cutting up babies in the womb and sucking them out through a hose. Therefore, I chose one who fought for my rights. One who wants to fight down Obamacare (My final straw with President FuckFace was when he and his people decided to appeal the courts decision to lift DADT). And one who wants to follow through on our immigration laws. Therefore, I voted for one Republican, one Democrat, and one Independent. None of which like each other.
The highlight of my voting process was the final amendment or measure or somethingerother with the number three hundred in it. For a paragraph, it went on about extraterrestrials. People that have encounters with extraterrestrials. Extraterrestrials vehicles. (These were the actually terms.) I read it three or four times in complete astonishment. I couldn’t believe that there was actually something on here about people who have had their ass probed while hovering in the air. [For fuck sake, stay out of my bedroom!] I got online and did research. It seems it is dealing with car impounding of illegal immigrants--sortta. From what I could discern (which is always suspect with me), the term illegal alien was offensive, so they are now called extraterrestrials. Surely, that’s not right, but it’s what I found. I swear we are idiots. To prove that point the whole damn thing was written in a language that even King James would find ostentatious, and we have to have a whole other book, Book!, to explain what our government is talking about. We are idiots.
Oh, while we are on the subject of people who are paid too much and should be given to Hitler for a Hanukah present (wow, I think I even managed to offend myself), let’s talk about Lauren Conrad and Snooki. They have both written (‘written’) books and are getting published. I can kinda forgive Lauren, she seems able to at least put syllables together, but Snooki… Snooki!!!! If Justin Bieber and Hillary Duff get published before I do, I’m jumping in front of the next FedEx truck I see. Oh, wait…
Black Coffee Tables
9 years ago
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