Monday, August 30, 2010


I have decided—despite the nearly ten hours I have put into painting my classroom—to paint again! Besides the added work, the biggest conceding point is that I didn’t choose correctly from the beginning. I pride myself in the ability to choose daring, yet classic, color choices. Man, did I bomb. One color is great. The other has turned into this peach disaster. I hate the color peach. So, I now have a large part of my weekend planned.
In continuing with bad decisions. I have also decided to cancel my two gay relationship websites. I’ve been matched with a total of seven men (the sum of both sites) and with only one who I’d consider. And, of course, he won’t write me back. I guess I’m glad I took that step, it was an effort to move on. We all know how well that worked!
In other news, water is wet.

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